I was momentarily taken aback when my friend casually told me he was worth many million! We had been talking about housing, which provided the context, but even so, the equation with his own worth shocked me. Equating one’s value with one’s acquisitions is so far from being valid, the comparison simply astounded me.
History is full of heroes who weren’t financially blessed. Often, the truly great left wealth behind in pursuit of a higher ideal. The world was impressed when Pope Francis declined to live in the Apostolic Palace, preferring basic and more social accommodation nearby. Indigenous peoples, including our famous painter, Albert (Elea) Namatjira, weren’t even allowed to own or rent property. Their intrinsic value was not altered by their lack of possessions. So what is our true value? My Christian tradition is valuable in this regard and I wish more of us could benefit from this understanding of being completely loved and acceptable to our Creator. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows. (The Bible, Luke 12: 6-7 NRSV) A central premise of my life is that we are loved and valued for who we are now and who we are becoming. The Easter story celebrates the immense value of each person to our Creator and gives real purpose for our lives as explained here. Our true value is so much more than our earning capacity. Nor is our value bound to what we accomplish. No matter who we are, what we do, irrespective of personal circumstances and the vagaries of life, we are all loved; all worthy; all valued for who we are. Who can you help to understand this by the way you treat them? Happy Easter to you!
歷史上貧窮的英雄人物多的是。很多時那些真正偉大者為了崇高理想而放棄家財的。當方濟各教宗拒絕教皇宮殿,改而入居附近基層的較接近社會的住所時,世界有感深了。原住民中,包括著名畫家Albert (Elea) Namatjira,甚至不獲准租住或擁有居所呢。 究竟我們的真正價值是甚麼?我的基督徒傳統,在這方面具無窮的價值,而我希望我們中多些認知而受益於那份完全被愛和蒙受造物主接納的感覺。 五隻麻雀不是賣二分銀子嗎?在上神面前一隻也不遺忘;就連你們的頭髮,也都一一被數過了。不要懼怕,你們比許多麻雀還貴重。(聖經路加福音第12章6-7節) 我的生活主要設定之一是,無論現在及將來,我們都是被愛而貴重的。復活的故事慶祝上神付予每人的無限價值和給予我們生命真正的價值,其解釋可見如下: https://www.insights.uca.org.au/news/beyond-the-cross 我們的真實價值在質量上比賺得的金錢多得很。我們亦不被所作業績所困。無論我們是誰,我們所作,不論個人環境及生活的變幻,我們都是被愛者。哪些人你們能夠以身作則,幫助明白這道理呢? 復活節快樂! 我们的真正价值 (译自Karen牧师的‘Our True Value’) 当我的朋友不经意地说他身价值数百万元时,我给他蓦然地吓了一跳!事情是我们正谈论屋宇价钱,但纵如此,这身价的衡量使我震惊,这般的比较简出乎我的意料之外。 历史上贫穷的英雄人物多的是。很多时那些真正伟大者为了崇高理想而放弃家财的。当方济各教宗拒绝教皇宫殿,改而入居附近基层的较接近社会的住所时,世界有感深了。原住民中,包括着名画家Albert (Elea) Namatjira,甚至不获准租住或拥有居所呢。 究竟我们的真正价值是甚麽?我的基督徒传统,在这方面具无穷的价值,而我希望我们中多些认知而受益于那份完全被爱和蒙受造物主接纳的感觉。 五只麻雀不是卖二分银子吗?在上神面前一只也不遗忘;就连你们的头发,也都一一被数过了。不要惧怕,你们比许多麻雀还贵重。(圣经路加福音第12章6-7节) 我的生活主要设定之一是无论现在及将来,我们都是被爱而贵重的。复活的故事庆祝上神付予每人的无限价值和给予我们生命真正的价值,其解释可见如下∶ https://www.insights.uca.org.au/news/beyond-the-cross 我们的真实价值在质量上比赚得的金钱多得很。我们亦不被所作业绩所困。无论我们是谁,我们所作,不论个人环境及生活的变幻,我们都是被爱者。哪些人你们能够以身作则,帮助明白这道理呢? 复活节快乐! As a busy mother of 3 young children, I was desperate for them to develop some independent skills early in life. Our determined daughter didn’t need much convincing! She began preparing her school lunches from grade 2, to keep up with her older brothers. I was delighted to be relieved of lunch-making duties and decided if our 7-year-old could do it – my husband must be capable too!
We desired for our kids to be strong and capable individuals, encouraging their independence wherever possible. However, there were times when it would have been better if they had involved us. When a mentor raised the value of interdependence, I recognised this was a preferable concept for parenting and life generally. Interdependence connotes shared responsibility, where each contributes what they can, for the good of all. There is an underlying valuing of others inbuilt. I work interdependently with Gaye, who is talented with layout and pictures, while I contribute the words. We are both rewarded by the final outcome of a piece, because it is better and more efficient than either of us could do alone. Whereas contributing from areas of strength makes us feel good about our abilities, the biggest gain is the joy of community. It can be a huge relief to work, play or make important decisions with helpful others, rather than on our own. Often an independent response is required and easier, but when greater wisdom and skill sets are needed, you can’t beat a cohesive team. Hugh Mackay observes in his 2019 edition of ‘What Makes Us Tick’ (p xiv): ‘…in the end, our responsibility to the species usually prevails: we are, by nature, cooperative, collaborative communitarians.’ The Bible agrees: ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ,’ Galatians 6:6 (NIV) Do you have the humility to ask someone else into that project you are struggling with? Alternatively, you could contribute your talents to a joint project that benefits others. Take the risk first - to enjoy the benefits later! 我身為三個年幼孩子的忙碌母親時,已經拼命地令他們於早年發展自立的技巧。我們具自決能力的女兒不需太多鼓勵!打從二年級她就能夠像她的兄長般弄校內午餐。我得放下做午餐的工作責任而感到安慰,亦希望七歲的女兒也能做到-我的丈夫當然也在內! 我們願意兒女成為壯健能榦的個體,鼓勵他們於許可情況下獨立。雖然如此,有時還需要我們的介入的。當一名提升獨立價值的顧問,我承認這是普遍接受的父母和人生責任。 自立意即分享責任,各自為大我獻出所能。其中具有潛能的價值觀的。我和好友Gaye互相倚賴合作,她具編排和插圖的天才,而我提供文字。結果完成一篇文章,效果比獨自進行更佳的。 供獻出自己的優點使我們對自己的能力感覺快慰,但最大的收獲是處身團體中的樂趣。我們於遊戲,工作或作重要決定時,單方處理不如有他人輔助的莫大解決方法。很多時須要獨自反應而實行容易,但需要較高度智慧和技巧之時,一個整合的團隊是不可缺少的。 Hugh Mackay 於他2019年出版的《What Makes Tick什麼東西令我們興奮》裏觀察到“........最終,我們對種族的責任占優勢:我們的天性是一個合作、協作的團體。 聖經也同意:“你們各人的重擔要互相擔當,如此,就完全了基督的律法” 加拉太書第6章第6節 你有沒有謙虛的意願請求他人幫助解決正在掙扎著的任務呢?抑或獻出所能參加一個有利他人的任務。冒險一點 - 等待他日享受的利益吧! ………………………………….. 倚赖的程度 (翻译自Karen牧师的文章‘Degrees of Dependence’) 我身为三个年幼孩子的忙碌母亲时,已经拼命地令他们于早年发展自立的技巧。我们具自决能力的女儿不需太多鼓励!打从二年级她就能够像她的兄长般弄校内午餐。我得放下做午餐的工作责任而感到安慰,亦希望七岁的女儿也能做到-我的丈夫当然也在内! 我们愿意儿女成为壮健能榦的个体,鼓励他们于许可情况下独立。虽然如此,有时还需要我们的介入的。当一名提升独立价值的顾问,我承认这是普遍接受的父母和人生责任。 自立意即分享责任,各自为大我献出所能。其中具有潜能的价值观的。我和好友Gaye互相倚赖合作,她具编排和插图的天才,而我提供文字。结果完成一篇文章,效果比独自进行更佳的。 供献出自己的优点使我们对自己的能力感觉快慰,但最大的收获是处身团体中的乐趣。我们于遊戏,工作或作重要决定时,单方处理不如有他人辅助的莫大解决方法。很多时须要独自反应而实行容易,但需要较高度智慧和技巧之时,一个整合的团队是不可缺少的。 Hugh Mackay 于他2019年出版的《What Makes Tick什麽东西令我们兴奋》裏观察到“........最终,我们对种族的责任占优势∶我们的天性是一个合作丶协作的团体。 圣经也同意∶“你们各人的重担要互相担当,如此,就完全了基督的律法” 加拉太书第6章第6节 你有没有谦虚的意愿请求他人帮助解决正在挣扎着的任务呢?抑或献出所能参加一个有利他人的任务。冒险一点 - 等待他日享受的利益吧! |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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