How can you believe that? Stripped bare, this is a question people have been asking me. As an educated, 21st century woman, assumed by the generous to be rational and intelligent, what drives my belief in the supernatural elements of Christianity? Actually, this belief finds its original basis in an unusual experience of God and heaven when I was ten. I realise it’s an unlikely sounding story. Yet, this extraordinary childhood experience has deeply affected my worldview, helping to shape the person I am now. Our stories are like that. They are precious to us and to some degree they shape us. Some are stories of wonder, others hold pain. They all leave their mark on us, for better or for worse. Some stories are intergenerational: histories of pride, or regret, of passing on wisdom. Isn’t it refreshing when someone is deeply interested in your story? When they actually listen, care and validate your life by believing your experience and exploring your interpretation of it? Most of us won’t make the history books – maybe a line in! However, as we interact with each other, we have the opportunity to enrich our current society with our acquired wisdom. Everyone’s story is unique and special. Where our stories overlap, we understand and concur easily. But when they are very different and informed by sources and experiences foreign to us, they are harder for us to grasp and believe. If we can manage to suspend our automatic bias in these cases and simply listen, we can learn from one another. My worldview has expanded so much from what others have shared with me. It is a privilege to be either the one who shares their story and is believed, or the one who hears and is expanded by the new input. We can choose to be a blessing to one another. Let us hear and honour each other’s stories. 我們的故事 (譯自Karen牧師的‘Our Stories') 你怎能如此相信這些故事的?基本上,這是我常遇到的問題。我是一個受過教育的21世紀婦人,給包涵者認為有理性和具智慧的,竟然受驅使信仰基督教的超自然因素?其實,這信仰源自我十歲時的上神及天堂的經歷的。 我察覺這些是聽來難以置信的故事。但,這不尋常的童年經歷,深刻地影響了我的世界觀,塑造了我的人格。 我們的故事就是如此這般地簡單的。它們具珍贵的價值而某種程度上塑造我們。其中有奇事也有痛楚,好壞的都留下痕跡於心靈。有些故事是串連世代的:它們把感到驕傲的或懊悔的歷史,其積存的智慧流傳下來。 這豈不是一份欣喜,當你知道你的故事有人深切地感到興趣?當他們認真地聆聽,關切並確認你的生命,基於信你的經驗及探求你體驗的詮釋?我們大多不會名留青史的 - 或許只添一行在族譜網頁Ancestry.com上罷了。無論如何,當我們跟他人溝通時,我們有機會利用獲得的智慧來充實當今社會的。 我們各自的故事是惟一兼獨特的。眾多故事越重疊,我們越能輕易地了解和入信的。當它們的內容極度差異和出於陌生的來源和經驗的話,卻較難以接受及取信。假如我們能夠停止對那些個案的自發歧見而簡單不過地聽入耳,就能互相學習的。我的世界觀就經由他人的分享而擴大了。我們有特權作一名分享故事而獲信者,或作一名聽信故事而得益者的。 我們可以選擇作為一名互賜恩惠者的。 讓我們互相尊重他人的故事吧。 我们的故事 (译自Karen牧師的‘Our Stories') 你怎能如此相信这些故事的?基本上,这是我常遇到的问題。我是一个受过教育的21世纪婦人,给包涵者认为有理性和具智慧的,竟然受驅使信仰基督教的超自然因素?其实,这信仰源自我十岁時的上神及天堂的经历的。 我察觉那些是听来難以置信的故事。但,这不尋常的童年经历深刻地影響了我的世界观,塑造了我的人格。 我们的故事就是如此这般地簡单的。它们具珍贵的价值而某种程度上塑造我们。其中有奇事也有痛楚,好坏的都留下痕跡於心灵。有些故事是串連世代的:它们把感到驕傲的或懊悔的历史,其積存的智慧流传下来。 这豈不是一份欣喜,当你知道你的故事有人深切地感到兴趣?当他们认真地聆听,关切並確认你的生命,基於信你的经验及探求你体验的詮释?我们大多不会名留青史的 - 或許只添一行在族譜网頁Ancestry.com上罷了。无論如何,当我们跟他人溝通时,我们有机会利用获得的智慧来充实当今社会的。 我们各自的故事是惟一兼独特的。眾多故事越重叠,我们越能轻易地了解和入信的。当它们的內容级度差異和出於陌生来源和经验的話,卻較难以接受及取信。假如我们能夠停止对那些个案的自发歧見而簡单不过地听入耳,就能互相学習的。我的世界观就经由他人的分享而擴大了。我们有特权作一名分享故事而获信者,或作一名听信故事而得益者的。 我们可以选择作為一名互賜恩惠者的。 让我们互相尊重他人的故事吧。
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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