I have recently met a very resilient young man. Born stateless, his remarkable life story shows determination to overcome nearly impossible odds. As a professional in North Sydney, he is now far removed from the likely perils of stateless people such as gaol time, drug abuse, death on the streets or selling organs. Hear more of Fadi’s story .
Intrigued by the hope and courage shown by people living in situations where I would expect only despair, I probed Fadi for clues to the origins of his resilience. He immediately narrated a story of his mother’s positive attitude in the hardest times. She would focus on the object of her gratitude (a cold glass of water was sufficient), ignoring all the pain that had preceded that new reality. She had fought for her only son to have an education and he treasured it, utilising the opportunity well. He cherished her love and sacrifice for him and returned those gifts to her when he was more capable of being the provider. They were people of faith, who believed God is good and just, despite their current circumstances, and despite a future that indicated nothing better. They continued to strive towards that hope, loving and supporting each other as best they could. But then Mum died. Fortunately, Fadi had learned those lessons of resilience sufficiently well to overcome another potentially crippling hurdle. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from the difficulties we face. How do we build resilience in ourselves and our children? Facing challenges head on, rather than blaming or rescuing, medicating or denying them, is a great start. Teaming up to face them, like Fadi and his Mum, draws support to get through. Choosing to be appreciative of the good in our lives builds our hope and courage. Faith in God doesn’t deny our current reality, but gives hope for a future beyond our sight. You might like to read Hebrews 12: 1-13 - a biblical case for resilience.
我最近碰到一名年輕的頑強不倒翁。 生來沒有國籍的他,不尋常的生活故事表現出克服劣勢的果敢。 他現在於North Sydney已成為一名專業者,已經遠離沒有國籍者的險境如身陷牢獄、吸毒、伏屍街頭或出售器官。請閱讀Fadi’s story 。
我給那些生活於無以忍受的環境中的人們所表現的希望和勇氣引出好奇心,進而探索Fadi重新振作的根源。他立刻道出母親於極惡劣時期裏抱著的肯定態度。她著意於感激心(只求得一杯水就滿足了),把過去的現實拋棄來忘掉全部痛楚。她為了獨子的教育奮鬥而他對此珍惜,充分利用這份機會。他懷念母親的愛心和為他而犧牲,而當有能力時回報她。他們是虔誠的人,相信上神是善良而公道的,雖然現在的情況還未轉佳,及雖然未來還是未明朗的。他們繼續為了希望而奮鬥,盡量互相愛護和扶持。但不幸他的母親去世了。尚幸地Fadi經已學到堅忍振作來克服這又一重障礙。 振作是從困難中反彈而恢復過來。我們怎樣建造自我和孩子的振作能力呢?要面對挑戰,而不是抱怨或諱過,作粉飾或否定,就是很好的開始。要和他人一起面對挑戰,像Fadi和他的母親般,爭支持來渡過困難。要選擇欣賞生活裏的美好來建立希望和勇氣。對上神的信賴并不否定現今的實在,但會給予我們超越遠眺的一個未來希望。或許你們會喜歡閱讀Hebrews 12: 1-13-聖經裏的一個振作例子。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 振作 (翻译自Karen牧师的‘September 2019 Resilience’) 我最近碰到一名年轻的顽强不倒翁。 生来没有国籍的他,不寻常的生活故事表现出克服劣势的果敢。 他现在于North Sydney已成为一名专业者,已经远离没有国籍者的险境如身陷牢狱丶吸毒丶伏尸街头或出售器官。请阅读Fadi’s story 。 我给那些生活于无以忍受的环境中的人们所表现的希望和勇气引出好奇心,进而探索Fadi重新振作的根源。他立刻道出母亲于极恶劣时期裏抱着的肯定态度。她着意于感激心(只求得一杯水就满足了),把过去的现实抛弃来忘掉全部痛楚。她为了独子的教育奋斗而他对此珍惜,充分利用这份机会。他怀念母亲的爱心和为他而牺牲,而当有能力时回报她。他们是虔诚的人,相信上神是善良而公道的,虽然现在的情况还未转佳,及虽然未来还是未明朗的。他们继续为了希望而奋斗,尽量互相爱护和扶持。但不幸他的母亲去世了。尚幸地Fadi经已学到坚忍振作来克服这又一重障碍。 振作是从困难中反弹而恢复过来。我们怎样建造自我和孩子的振作能力呢?要面对挑战,而不是抱怨或讳过,作粉饰或否定,就是很好的开始。要和他人一起面对挑战,像Fadi和他的母亲般,争支持来渡过困难。要选择欣赏生活裏的美好来建立希望和勇气。对上神的信赖并不否定现今的实在,但会给予我们超越远眺的一个未来希望。或许你们会喜欢阅读Hebrews 12: 1-13 -圣经裏的一个振作例子。 |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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