‘So who are you people?’ This was a tentative question from one of our hand massage recipients at the Lane Cove Rotary Fair. It’s always a fair question to ask me, as Community Chaplaincy is a whole new, and changing, concept. My fellow masseur jumped in with ‘We’re Lane Cove Uniting Church!’ It’s a reasonable, but partial answer, as this church is the loving parent of Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy and supports me all the way.
My colleague’s answer demonstrated our shared belief that being ‘the Church’ means much more than gathering inside a building to worship. We aim to be people whose focus and chief location is in the community, acting out the principles of Jesus’ life as our model. These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and a certain amount of social activism where injustice is occurring. None of us are perfect at these things, but we’re trying. Worshipping the God we adore takes many different forms these days and we are experimenting with some new ones. My 3 years amongst you leads me to think that loneliness, isolation and a frenetic pace of life are key issues here. Hence, we offer activities to enable people to connect with each other, to slow down and notice the good things, and to enable the deep questions to be asked and begin to be resolved. Specific details are on our ‘Groups and Events’ page. Anyone is welcome to join in. We are constantly exploring new ways of encouraging our local community to thrive, in big and small ways. Do you have something you are passionate about and want to talk over? I am available to listen and may be able to help with connections too. Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’. (The Bible, John 10:10 ESV)
‘你們是什麼組織的人物?’這是Lane Cove Rotary Fair扶輪社賣物會裏一名接受按摩者的偶談問題。我歡迎這恰當的問題,由于Community Chaplaincy社區特派牧師是一個全新的,改造性的概念。我的按摩師伙伴搶答說,“我們是Lane Cove Uniting Church合一教會的。”這是合理的,但不全面的答案,因為我們Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy社區特派牧師逮屬這合一教會,經費由他們支出的。
我的伙伴的答案說明了我們共同的信念,‘教會’的意義是比集合在一起來崇拜更深厚的。我們的焦點和主要場地在於社區群眾,實現以耶穌的生活作模範的原則。這等原則包括博愛、歡樂、和平、忍耐、仁慈、好善、忠誠、溫柔、克制及作某程度的社會活動反對不公平。我們無一精於這方面的,但會嘗試。現今崇拜我們愛慕的上神,有許多不同的形式,而我們正試驗新模式的。 我三年來于你們之中,體驗得孤獨、隔離及生活節奏過速,為此地關鍵的問題。故此我們獻上使有機會互相連繫的活動,放慢步驟來注意四週的美好事物,使深層程度的問題得解決。個別詳情可以在‘Groups and Events團體及事項’頁裏找到的。任何人仕都可以參與。 我們不斷地探求新方法來鼓勵本社區群眾蓬勃興起,范圍可大可小的。你們有沒有熱衷求答的事情呢?我隨時恭聽,或許能代找有關機構的。 耶穌說:“我來到世上,好使世人得生命而令他們生活得更丰滿。”(約翰福音第十章第十節 一个恰当的问题 (译自Karen牧师的‘A Fair Question’) ‘你们是什麽组织的人物?’这是Lane Cove Rotary Fair扶轮社卖物会裏一名接受按摩者的偶谈问题。我欢迎这恰当的问题,由于Community Chaplaincy社区特派牧师是一个全新的,改造性的概念。我的按摩师伙伴抢答说,“我们是Lane Cove Uniting Church合一教会的。”这是合理的,但不全面的答案,因为我们Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy社区特派牧师逮属这合一教会,经费由他们支出的。 我的伙伴的答案说明了我们共同的信念,‘教会’的意义是比集合在一起来崇拜更深厚的。我们的焦点和主要场地在于社区群众,实现以耶稣的生活作模范的原则。这等原则包括博爱丶欢乐丶和平丶忍耐丶仁慈丶好善丶忠诚丶温柔丶克制及作某程度的社会活动反对不公平。我们无一精于这方面的,但会尝试。现今崇拜我们爱慕的上神,有许多不同的形式,而我们正试验新模式的。 我三年来于你们之中,体验得孤独丶隔离及生活节奏过速,为此地关键的问题。故此我们献上使有机会互相连系的活动,放慢步骤来注意四週的美好事物,使深层程度的问题得解决。个别详情可以在‘Groups and Events团体及事项’页裏找到的。任何人仕都可以参与。 我们不断地探求新方法来鼓励本社区群众蓬勃兴起,范围可大可小的。你们有没有热衷求答的事情呢?我随时恭听,或许能代找有关机构的。 耶稣说∶“我来到世上,好使世人得生命而令他们生活得更丰满。”(约翰福音第十章第十节) |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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