I wrote my mum’s eulogy today. It was both pain and privilege. I learned more about my modest and private mother than I’d known before. From the death of her own mother when she was a young child, to riding camels in her outback town aged 12 and a shipboard romance that lasted over 66 years with my father; her life was varied and valued. She leaves behind her a legacy of children and grandchildren who carry her genes and many of her values. We loved and were loved by her, which is where the pain of loss is birthed.
Each person’s life story has its highlights, humour and pain. Although my parents’ romantic courtship and marriage was destined for the London newspaper headlines, (except the King died that day!), it’s not really about fame in the end. Their love story wasn’t always easy and it’s certainly very hard for Dad now, who is peeved to be left behind. But to love and be loved for decades by the same person is certainly to be recommended. We can never replace Mum – and wouldn’t want to. However, we, her children and grandchildren, are her greatest legacy and therefore an ongoing comfort and source of strength for Dad. I’m sure Mum would be pleased we are around him now, as consideration for those she loved most was a strong value of hers. Our bodies cease, but our values define our lives and the legacy we leave. That’s providing we live them out in a visible way amidst those around us. Whatever life deals us, we have choices about the way we respond and the people who accompany our journey. Although, Mum’s childhood was a difficult one which scarred her in some ways, she loved and was loved. What greater legacy can there be? ‘My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action,’ (from the Bible, 1 John 3:18)
今天我完成母親的訃文。這是我的痛楚兼權利。如此我更加認識樸素而獨特的母親,由她幼年喪母,於十二歲時在內陸的鄉鎮乘坐駱駝來往,及在船上浪漫地認識父親維持六十六年的愛情;她的生命多變幻而具價值的。她遺下她的基因及眾多的價值給子孫。我們愛她而得回愛,因此失去她是我們痛楚之源。 每人的生命故事都有精彩的,幽默的和痛苦的一面。雖然我父母的浪漫追求及婚姻登上倫敦報章的頭條(除了當日英皇的駕崩!),最終不是為了聲名的。他們的愛情故事并不經常輕鬆,而現在對認為遭離棄的父親來說,是絕對困難的。但同一配偶數世紀的愛與被愛當然值得贊許。 我的母親是無可替代的 - 就是可能也不會發生。雖然如此,我們,她的子孫,是她最偉大的遺產,是父親的不斷慰籍和力量的根源。我肯定母親見到我們在父親的週圍而感愉快的,正如她的最強價值是關心最愛者。 我們肉身的生命停止了,但我們的價值定義了我們的生命,而這遺產會留下來的。當然有賴我們於人群中把它表現在生活裏。生命以任何方式對待我們,我們當有選擇回應的方法及走完該過程的陪同者的。雖然母親於童年的困難留下疤痕,她懂愛與被愛。哪裏能找到更偉大的遺產呢? ‘親愛的孩子們,我們不要只在嘴上說彼此相愛,而應該用行動把真理表現出來。’(出自聖經,約翰一書第3章第18節) ……………………………………………………………………………………. 永恒的遗产 (译自Karen牧师的‘Enduring Legacy') 今天我完成母亲的讣文。这是我的痛楚兼权利。如此我更加认识朴素而独特的母亲,由她幼年丧母,于十二岁时在内陆的乡镇乘坐骆驼来往,及在船上浪漫地认识父亲维持六十六年的爱情;她的生命多变幻而具价值的。她遗下她的基因及众多的价值给子孙。我们爱她而得回爱,因此失去她是我们痛楚之源。 每人的生命故事都有精彩的,幽默的和痛苦的一面。虽然我父母的浪漫追求及婚姻登上伦敦报章的头条(除了当日英皇的驾崩!),最终不是为了声名的。他们的爱情故事并不经常轻松,而现在对认为遭离弃的父亲来说,是绝对困难的。但同一配偶数世纪的爱与被爱当然值得赞许。 我的母亲是无可替代的 - 就是可能也不会发生。虽然如此,我们,她的子孙,是她最伟大的遗产,是父亲的不断慰籍和力量的根源。我肯定母亲见到我们在父亲的週围而感愉快的,正如她的最强价值是关心最爱者。 我们肉身的生命停止了,但我们的价值定义了我们的生命,而这遗产会留下来的。当然有赖我们于人群中把它表现在生活裏。生命以任何方式对待我们,我们当有选择回应的方法及走完该过程的陪同者的。虽然母亲于童年的困难留下疤痕,她懂爱与被爱。哪裏能找到更伟大的遗产呢? ‘亲爱的孩子们,我们不要只在嘴上说彼此相爱,而应该用行动把真理表现出来。’(出自圣经,约翰一书第3章第18节) |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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