The Christmas season heralds a return to our Adelaide family and friends. Although we keep contact throughout the year using various technologies, Christmas is a special time to soak in some relationships we hold dear. Only extended time together brings back the true reality of who we are as family. For better and for worse, we love these times, even though the details may not be exciting to anyone else.
Love of these relatives, renders an observation by a number of those in our Community Chaplaincy groups particularly sweet. ‘It feels like family’ is a comment that has been made to me on a number of occasions. I am so pleased! Like so many in Lane Cove, David and I left our own families to come here, so the need for close companionship, warts and all, is something we understand. The importance of human connection in ordinary and deeper ways should not be under-estimated. Much of what Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy seeks to do is provide opportunities to foster relationships of warmth and trust between people. This no longer ‘just happens’, given the increased mobility of people and jobs, not to mention the isolating effect of technology and older age. Recent studies show that one in four Australians are lonely and half of us are lonely for at least one day a week! Loneliness has significant negative impacts on our physical and mental health. Hence, actively addressing our need to connect with others is more crucial than ever. It takes some discomfort and courage to make the first step to engage with new people. But think of the benefits for you and others in making that move. Why not resolve to do so this month? If you would like to know more, please contact me. I can send you a list of ideas to connect with others or recommend some local groups to try. Our Groups and Events page lists many activities where you will be welcomed like one of the family!
聖誕節帶來我們對Adelaide 那裏的家人及朋友的回顧。雖然我們整年都有透過各類媒介接觸,聖誕節是一個獨特時光,讓我們浸淫於親切的關係裏。只有同堂一聚才找回家庭的真正現實的意義。甘苦與共,我們懷念這些時間,故然其中細節未必為他人知曉。 對親戚的愛,是我們這社區教士團體裏視為特別甜蜜的。在不少場合裏,‘如同一家’這詞經常可聽到。我感到極為快慰啊!有如Lane Cove社區裏大多的人們,David 和我遠離家庭至此,親近的同伴和患難與共者,其需要可想而知。平常的和深入的人際聯系為絕對不能低估的。Lane Cove教士尋求的,是供給機會來培養人際的熱誠與信賴關係。這種關係,由於人口和職業的激烈變動,還有科技轉移及老邁的隔離效果,已經不是‘發生於偶然’的了。 最近有研究發現,4個澳洲人中就有1人感到孤獨,而半數每星期最少有一天是孤獨的!孤獨感負面地沖擊我們的身心衛生。因此,積極地致力於聯系他人為前所沒有的關鍵。何不在這個月裏決定進行呢? …………………………………. 家庭与朋友 (译自Karen牧师的‘Family and Friends') 圣诞节带来我们对Adelaide 那裏的家人及朋友的回顾。虽然我们整年都有透过各类媒介接触,圣诞节是一个独特时光,让我们浸淫于亲切的关系裏。只有同堂一聚才找回家庭的真正现实的意义。甘苦与共,我们怀念这些时间,故然其中细节未必为他人知哓。 对亲戚的爱,是我们这社区教士团体裏视为特别甜蜜的。在不少场合裏,‘如同一家’这词经常可听到。我感到极为快慰啊!有如Lane Cove社区裏大多的人们,David 和我远离家庭至此,亲近的同伴和患难与共者,其需要可想而知。平常的和深入的人际联系为绝对不能低估的。Lane Cove教士寻求的,是供给机会来培养人际的热诚与信赖关系。这种关系,由于人口和职业的激烈变动,还有科技转移及老迈的隔离效果,已经不是‘发生于偶然’的了。 最近有研究发现,4个澳洲人中就有1人感到孤独,而半数每星期最少有一天是孤独的!孤独感负面地冲击我们的身心卫生。因此,积极地致力于联系他人为前所没有的关键。何不在这个月裏决定进行呢? |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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