昨晚的電視節目‘信任我吧,我是一名醫生Trust Me I’m a Doctor’審查過避免痴呆症的方法,從那些小規摸的實驗裏,得到結論為:增加心理和體力的刺激,看來有預防好處的。
我認為這結論具有多方面的空間,但缺乏亦具效果的精神方面的因數。這樣引起我的疑惑:在廣大的群眾中,那裏找到心靈的存在? 昨日也是澳紐聯軍節日ANZAC Day, 本地的商場Lane Cove Plaza擠滿了老幼。各社團,諸如扶輪社Rotary Club、學校、童軍和運動俱樂部的成員,他們一同於樂隊伴奏中唱歌, 一同祈禱並一同為亡者默哀。默想逝者的苦難中激發了我們的澳洲精神 -勇毅和超拔的友情連繫bonds of mateship。事後群眾留下來跟朋友交談和認許從軍者的功績。確然那裏流露著堅強的群體精神的。 那環繞我們的自然美,它享有本地居民及有關專業人仕密切保護的空間,亦指向一片寶貴的,精神方面的空間。那些正興起的畫家群和知名音樂家,他們深化了我們可以形容為‘增益心靈’的經歷的。 在這方面,至今人們依舊經歷難以從科學、理性看法解釋的‘頻臨死亡經驗基金會’http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Archives/NDERF_NDEs.htm 所紀錄超過四千個由世界各地收集的個案。澳洲作家Ivan Rudolph 就因此寫了一本名為《死後翻生。解釋頻臨死亡的經驗《Living Beyond.Making Sense of Near Death Experiences》。我們是有精神的生物。讓我們盡量結合心靈和精神罷。 (我没有中文版的聖經, 不願强作私人翻譯。故此把引用的詩句省略了.)
昨晚的电视节目 ’信任我吧, 我是一名医生Trust Me I’m a Doctor’审查过避免痴呆症的方法, 从那些小规模的实验里, 得到结论为:增加心理和体力刺激, 看来有预防好处的. 我认为这结论具有多方面的空间, 但缺乏亦具效果的精神方面的因数. 这样引起我的疑惑: 在广大的群众中, 哪里找到心灵的存在?
昨日也是澳纽联军节日ANZAC Day, 本地的商场Lane Cove Plaza挤满了老幼. 各社团,诸如扶轮社Rotary Club, 学校, 童军和运动俱落部的成员, 他们一同于乐队伴奏中唱歌, 一同祈祷并一同为亡者默哀. 默想逝者的苦难 , 激发了我们的澳洲精神 – 勇毅和超拔的友情连繫bonds of mateship. 事后群众留下来跟朋友交谈和认许从军者的功績. 确然那里流露着坚强的群体精神的. 那环绕我们的自然美, 它享有本地居民及有关的专业人士密切保护的空间, 亦指向一片宝贵的, 精神方面的空间. 那些正兴起的画家群和知名音乐家, 他们深刻化了我们可以形容为’增益心灵’的经历的. 在这方面至今人们依旧经历难以从科学, 理性看法解释 的’頻临死亡经验基金会’ http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Archives/NDERF_NDEs.htm所纪录的超过四千个由世界各地收集的个案. 澳洲作家Ivan Rudolph就于最近因此写了一本名为<死后翻生.解释頻临死亡的经验<Living Beyond.Making Sense of Near Death Experiences>. 我们是有精神的生物.让我们尽力结合心灵和精神罢. 故此把引用的诗句省略了.) I am a retired teacher and a bush carer for Lane Cove Council. I volunteered for this work in 2006 driven by my love of nature. After retirement I have been participating in bus day trips held by government subsidised organisations. In doing so, I can visit various parks and reserves as well as nurseries, and take photos of the unique fauna and fauna in Sydney and regional areas besides the scenery. The photos serve not only as a means of nostalgia, but also to fascinate my overseas former colleagues with sights that are exotic to them.
This is my first time to do the special walk with Rev Karen Paull, Dr Ray Kearney and Elma Kearney in the local Lane Cove bush. Dr Kearney is no stranger to me as I attended one of his informative courses on fungi last year. Topping up with this second enjoyment in practical exposure to the fungi, the genuine interest in contacting with nature and the organising of this walk by Rev Karen allowed me to enjoy a programmed walk for photo-taking pleasure while discovering the hidden treasure in the form of fungi. (Unfortunately, my photos have been compromised by reducing them in megapixels in order to conform with Google Chrome’s 25 MB attachment limitation). May I stress my total agreement to the Council’s protection of the fungi in this park, some species of which are approaching extinction. The fingers that handle those fungi belong to Dr Kearney who has a license for doing so. Last of all, please pay special attention to the tiny fungus in DSC02325, the poisonous spores of which have no antidote so far. 我是一名退休教員,現為Lane Cove Council的林木護理義工。我於2006年參與這份工作,是基於喜愛大自然的。實在我退休後,便跟政府資助機構作日間小巴遊,遍及雪梨和雪梨郊區的公園與私家園圃。途中我拍攝了不少景物之外,還著眼於雪梨獨有的花草動物。一來我可以重溫遊蹤,二來可以寄出照片給海外的舊同事,以保持聯絡,給與他們一點對這裏特有花鳥蟲魚的驚喜。 這是我首次跟Karen Paull牧師和Ray Kearney博士夫婦,在Lane Cove Park作這特殊郊行的。說起Kearney博士,我對他並不陌生,就在去年我曾經參加他的有關菇蕈的講座了。這次欣喜地得他帶領經歷現場之外,還感應Karen Paull牧師的對大自然的喜悅和享受她策劃的這郊行,讓我得拍照機會亦得同時發現這郊野公園的隱藏密秘 - 這裏的菇蕈。 我的照片有些失真,因為經過處理把象限數目減少了,方便依從Google Chrome的25MB電郵附件寄出限制。我絕對同意Lane Cove Council的保護這公園內的菇蕈,其中不少是瀕臨絕種的品種的。在照片裏的手指是Kearney博士的,他擁有許可證才能如此操作。最後,請注意照片DSC02325裏的毒蕈,它苞子的毒素,至今還沒找到解藥的。 With Mother’s Day fast approaching, many of us will be thinking of how to show appreciation to their mothers. (Even if it has been a little bit last minute, entailing a $6 Express Post envelope – gulp!) Many will go for a commercial option of a pricey gift or outing, encouraged by the relentless advertising thrust upon us. But Mother’s Day is not really about gift-giving in essence. And this year, I have firmly let my children who live interstate know, that no gift will be necessary – thank you. What we really want as mothers is to be loved and appreciated. Personally speaking, I know I have not and will not be, a perfect mother, or person. But I have really tried hard at this! Can I be loved just because I have done the best I can at the time, flaws and all? Especially by my children – and by the faithful partner in crime! This causes me to reflect upon my own mother in a kinder light too. I’m sure all mums give their utmost to raise their children as best they know how. But we all make mistakes. Let’s try to forgive those and put them behind us. So what is the best gift on Mother’s Day? I think that’s an individual choice, depending on how your mother perceives your love. But it will involve some thoughtfulness and gratitude. I hope to receive a phone call from my children on Mother’s Day, just to be reassured that they love me, warts and all. And I know my husband has lunch planned, to give me time to relax and enjoy. This will be the first year of my life that I won’t be with my mother and she understands why. I hope she loves the Express Post card in the mail and the phone call coming her way too, because she’s done the best she can in raising me. Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to express love to Mum. It can also remind us to lovingly appreciate the special people in our lives in between the designated celebrations. Take a moment to think who in your life may love that affirmation sometime soon. 无论如何都应爱护母亲 (Karen牧师5月7日的部落格) 母亲节就快到了, 许多人都会费心思量, 怎样表达对母亲的感恩的. 对我来说, 因为时间急迫, 已花了6大员的快递邮费! 大多人会给商业广告的强力耸拥下, 购买贵价礼物或为母亲安排高消费的旅游的, 但是母亲节的主要意义并不是在于送礼. 我身为母亲的, 已经坚强地向境外的儿女表示拒绝礼物了. 我们做母亲的, 最需要的是儿女的爱和感恩. 我个人来说, 并不是一名无瑕的母亲或个体,但是已经设法办到了. 我能不能因当年的努力而得反馈呢? 这想法引起我的反思对待母亲之道了.我肯定天下的母亲尽可能养大儿女的. 但有时我们会犯错,得到反效果的,就让我们把一切钩消吧. 那么最好的母亲节礼物是什么? 这就要看各自的选择,端赖母亲对你所付出的爱的感受了.所涉及的当然是心思和谢意. 我希望于母亲节当日接到儿女的电话,重复爱我之心意.我知到丈夫已经订了午餐,使我放松一下和享受一点的. 今年我首次没陪伴我母亲但是她会谅解我的.我希望她会喜欢那快递送出的贺卡, 而后那感谢养大我的电话,将会及时打出的. 母亲节是极佳的对母亲表达爱意的机会,亦提醒我们在其他特定庆祝日子里,赞赏在生命中有特殊意义的人.请细心想,谁会是那生命中等待这份回馈的人吧. |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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