I am so relieved! Someone close to me has finally succeeded in finding a new job, away from a bullying boss. It’s so difficult when someone in authority decides to abuse their power over you, as it is easily assumed that those with greater power also tell the greater truth! Hence, they can block your path out, enabling ongoing abuse. This situation repeats itself over and over, from the school yard to our homes, places of employment to the nations. Bullies are amazingly good at couching their behaviour, and they hone in on vulnerability. Sometimes they appear unaware of the devastating effects of their actions, although many clearly delight in the pain they cause others. This makes my blood boil!
Intervention by authorities usually depends on evidence, or at least some credible witnesses. Our Australian culture of mateship can help here. Who do you know that is being bullied? Can you assist them directly by speaking the truth to those who have decision-making power? That makes you an everyday hero! Or you may be a source of strength for them merely by coming alongside and believing in them – being a good mate by refusing to side with the powerful. Your encouragement could give them confidence to eventually stand against the bully. Your words and actions have power too! Are we complicit in yielding to the ‘loudest’ voices? Let us look beyond persuasive personalities to evidence-based research and a good reputation of credible service. It is also wise to weigh whether the dominant person is telling us the truth, especially when the weaker one asserts otherwise. It is important to take time to unearth the truth when peoples’ lives are at stake. I like what Jesus said to his mates about leadership and power: ‘But it shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant’. (The Bible, Mark 10:43).
我放下了心頭大石!我的親人終於找到新職了,離開了那名霸氣老闆。那困境是當權者濫用權力,以為職位高些就有理多些!於是他們阻礙你的進展,延續濫權。這情況一而再地重複漫延,由校園至家園,由任職地至其他國家。霸凌者是那麼善於申展他們的行為,著意攻擊他人的弱點。有時他們看似無意,雖然多數明顯地樂於加害他人的。這類行為令我氣憤! 政府的介入通常有賴於證據,至少是證人的可信度。我們的澳洲式友誼文化可以幫助的。你知道誰受欺凌?你可不可以把真相告知行使政權者?如此你會成為日常英雄的!或者挺身為輔助者出來作證-伸出友誼之手拒絕強權。你的鼓勵可以給他信心抵御霸凌者的。你的言行是具有力量的! 我們是不是屈服於惡言語的串謀者?讓我們放眼超越說服而基於證據和可靠服務的聲譽吧。我們當智慧地衡量那勢強者是否說真理,尤其是那勢弱者強調相反事實之時。重要的是當那人遭危難之時拿出時間挖出真事實。 耶穌對友人所說,有關領導及權力的說法很有意義:‘你們中間誰想要作領袖,誰就必須作大家的僕人’。(聖經,馬可福音第10章第43節) .................................................... 友誼之手 (譯自Karen牧師的‘Mateship’) 我放下了心头大石!我的亲人终于找到新职了,离开了那名霸气老板。那困境是当权者滥用权力,以为职位高些就有理多些!于是他们阻碍你的进展,延续滥权。这情况一而再地重复漫延,由校园至家园,由任职地至其他国家。霸凌者是那麽善于申展他们的行为,着意攻击他人的弱点。有时他们看似无意,虽然多数明显地乐于加害他人的。这类行为令我气愤! 政府的介入通常有赖于证据,至少是证人的可信度。我们的澳洲式友谊文化可以帮助的。你知道谁受欺凌?你可不可以把真相告知行使政权者?如此你会成为日常英雄的!或者挺身为辅助者出来作证-伸出友谊之手拒绝强权。你的鼓励可以给他信心抵御霸凌者的。你的言行是具有力量的! 我们是不是屈服于恶言语的串谋者?让我们放眼超越说服而基于证据和可靠服务的声誉吧。我们当智慧地衡量那势强者是否说的是真理,尤其是那势弱者强调相反事实之时。重要的是当那人遭危难之时拿出时间挖出真事实。 耶稣对友人所说,有关领导及权力的说法很有意义∶‘你们中间谁想要作领袖,谁就必须作大家的仆人’。(圣经,马可福音第10章第43节) |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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