‘Religion for Atheists’ by Alain de Botton is an unlikely book choice for a Christian Minister! Yet de Botton’s premise is a fascinating one: What good ideas can atheists ‘steal’ (jacket summary) from religions? It’s a surprisingly respectful book, embracing many values which depict a Christian way of life and make for a functional society. I would prefer ‘a sharing of wisdom for the benefit of all’ approach, however. There is much to be learned from those who have different beliefs and backgrounds to our own.
Thus, it gives me pause to reflect on what Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy offers to our community. Our activities are intentional about being ‘good news’ in a very open way for people beyond Church structures. At a time when there is much relational disconnection, we offer activities to enable people to come together in creative and affirming ways. No distinctions are drawn and everyone is welcomed. Whereas I make no apology for this open approach, a danger exists of selling people short, if these community offerings are conceived to be ‘the best of Christianity’. Creating affirming community is a good, but not our best, practice. Forming supportive community is something many churches have done well for centuries, but it is more of a by-product of Christianity. Faith in God brings so much more depth and richness than this! It produces much needed qualities such as resilience, hope for the present and the future, peace, integrity and wholeness of being, release from shame and guilt, to name a few. I don’t lead a traditional Church - although I am supported by one - Lane Cove Uniting Church. Instead, I host spaces where people can explore what Christianity has to offer them, alongside others who are doing the same. Contact me for more information about these or one of our many activities (see Groups and Events) which are there for all to enjoy and enrich one another. Jesus said, ‘My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life,’ (from the Bible, John 10:10 NLT).
Alain de Botton寫的《Religion for Atheists 無神論者的宗教》是不可能為一名基督教 牧師閱讀所選的!但de Botton所提供的大前題具魅力:有什麼宗教思想能給無神論者 ‘盗取’的(書皮的擇要)?這本是使人驚奇而敬佩作者的書籍,其內容包括眾多基 督徒生活模式的價值觀和功能性的社會運作。無論如何我選擇‘為了大眾而分享智慧 ’這途徑。其他信仰和背景的人仕可供學習的榜樣甚多。 故此,我停了下來作回顧Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy 供獻什麼給這社區。我們 的活動是廣納地傳播‘good news好消息’給教會外的友人。當人際關係切斷了時我 們提供活動來讓群眾創作地和肯定地參與。沒有競爭而來者不拒的。 我對這著手法并無後悔,但它隱藏著欺騙來者的危險,就是這些貢獻被認為是‘基督 教的最優點’。創造肯定的社會是好的,但不能認為這是最好的辦法。組織支緩性的 社會已經是眾多教會數百年來所作的事了,但這是基督教的副產品。對上神的信仰帶 來更濃的深度和豐饒!由此帶來極需要的品質如強適應、對現在和將來有希望、羞恥 和罪惡得解脫等少數例子。 我不帶領傳統性的教會,雖然受助於其中之一的Lane Cove Uniting Church。相反地, 我一如其他同道,主持空間讓人們自行探索,基督教能供獻給他們的東西。有關以上 或我們的活動 (link to https://www.lanecovecc.com/groups-and-events.html )的詳情請跟 我聯絡,全部都是來者不拒而互相充實你我的。 耶穌說:‘我的目的是給他們豐盛滿足的生命。’(聖經約翰福音 第10章第10節 NLT) ………………………………………… 令人诧异的学习来源 (译自Karen牧师的‘Surprising Sources of Learning') Alain de Botton写的《Religion for Atheists无神论者的宗教》是不可能为一名基督教牧 师阅读所选的!但de Botton所提供的大前题具魅力∶有什麽宗教思想能给无神论者‘ 盗取’的(书皮的择要)?这本是使人惊奇而敬佩作者的书籍,其内容包括众多基督 徒生活模式的价值观和功能性的社会运作。无论如何我选择‘为了大众而分享智慧’ 这途径。其他信仰和背景的人仕可供学习的榜样甚多。 故此,我停了下来作回顾Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy 供献什麽给这社区。我们 的活动是广纳地传播‘good news好消息’给教会外的友人。当人际关系切断了时我 们提供活动来让群众创作地和肯定地参与。没有竞争而来者不拒的。 我对这着手法并无后悔,但它隐藏着欺骗来者的危险,就是这些贡献被认为是‘基督 教的最优点’。创造肯定的社会是好的,但不能认为这是最好的办法。组织支缓性的 社会已经是众多教会数百年来所作的事了,但这是基督教的副产品。对上神的信仰带 来更浓的深度和丰饶!由此带来极需要的品质如强适应丶对现在和将来有希望丶羞耻 和罪恶得解脱等少数例子。 我不带领传统性的教会,虽然受助于其中之一的Lane Cove Uniting Church。相反地, 我一如其他同道,主持空间让人们自行探索,基督教能供献给他们的东西。有关以上 或我们的活动 (link to https://www.lanecovecc.com/groups-and-events.html )的详情请跟 我联络,全部都是来者不拒而互相充实你我的。 耶稣说∶‘我的目的是给他们丰盛满足的生命。’(圣经约翰福音 第10章第10节 NLT) |
AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
August 2023
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