I like times of quietness. However, cultivating time to be quiet in this busy world is a real challenge, yet so important. Time to reflect on our priorities, and to perhaps reorder our lives, to be refreshed and replenished, is easily omitted in favour of activity. Periodic retreats can be wonderful, but a rhythm of regular times alone or with a loved one to take stock of life, is likely to be more achievable. I have found weekly, group meditation times of just 20 minutes can also help maintain an inner peacefulness. Attending regular worship provides a fresh, spiritual perspective on life, too. Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy conducts a weekly Christian Meditation group at 1.30pm Thursdays at St. Columba’s chapel, Figtree Street. A Monday evening group is being considered if there is sufficient interest. Please let me know if you are. It’s free and a very simple practice of letting go and allowing God space to move in our lives. I also like quiet people. Often their thoughtfulness keeps them in the background, where they think and act with great care and consideration. The book Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain (2012) was very illuminating and affirming for me. Cain illustrates our need for contrasting personality types, while showing that our society tends to honour and promote louder people, overlooking those who are quiet, serious or sensitive. Ironically, while we usually enjoy the ‘life of the party’ extroverts, when life is more serious a quiet friend who will listen is a greater ally. The activities offered by the Community Chaplaincy team cater both for people who are quiet and for those who are more outgoing. You are welcome to join one of our Walk and Wonder groups, Cooking Fun for Everyone, Single Mums Supporting each other or the various Family Fun events we run. More details are on the website. Some wisdom from the Bible: ‘You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you,’ Isaiah 26:3 (GNT). 沉默地力量無窮(Karen 牧師3月2日的博客 'Quietly Powerful') 我喜歡靜默的時刻。無論如何,在這煩囂的世界裏,得時間作靜默修練是認真的挑戰,雖然這是重要的。找個時間反省處事的輕重,甚或調整生活的先後層次,把它翻新一點或充實一點嗎,可是我們礙於忙碌,很易把這時間忽略了。參與不時集體退省活動是極好的,但定時獨自修行或陪同喜愛的人細訴人生,可能較有效果。我發覺,每星期20分鐘的集體默想也能維持內心平安的。其外,參加定時的崇拜,亦能給予生命一個具活力的,聖靈的境界。 Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy 每星期四下午1時30分,於 Figtree Street的St. Columba's Chapel舉辦一個基督教的集體默想活動。假若人數足夠,可能會加添星期一黃昏時間一組的。有興趣參加的,請通知我。這是個免費的活動,它讓我們輕易地放鬆自己,讓出空間給神進入生命裏。 我也喜歡靜默的人。很多時他們的深思令他們給忘在幕後,獨自僅慎地作活。Susan Cain (2012)作的《Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking靜默。內向者在這嘈吵世界的力量》這本書,對我來說很具啟發性和肯定性。Cain說明我們需要正反對比人格類型者並存,卻然社會高舉嗆聲者而忽略沉默、莊重或感性者的。諷刺地,我們歡迎那些‘宴會的靈魂’的外向者,但生活是較嚴肅的,而靜聽者才是我們較大的伙伴。 我們Community Chaplaincy社會牧者兼容好靜者和較外向的。歡迎參加我們的Walk and Wonder Groups借步行驚嘆自然奇妙組、Cooking Fun for Everyone適合各人的烹飪樂趣組、 Single Mums Supporting each other單親互助組,或其他Family Fun家庭歡樂節目。 從聖經所得的智慧:‘神啊,請賜與緊守信念者圓滿的平安而讓他們信賴你’Isaiah 6:3 (GNT) 免責聲明:以上翻譯是義務譯者個人所作,一切錯誤與Community Chaplaincy無關 沉默地力量无穷 (Karen 牧师3月2日的部落格 'Quietly Powerful') 我喜欢静默的时刻. 但是在这烦囂的世界里,得时间作静默修练是认真的挑战,虽然这是重要的.找个时间反省处事的轻重,甚或调整生活的先后层次,把它翻新一点或充实一点吗,可是我们碍于忙碌,很易把这点时间忽略了.参与不时的集体退省活动是极好的,但定时独自修行或陪同喜爱的人细诉人生,可能较有效果.我发觉,每星期20分钟的集体默想也能维持内心平安的.其外,参加定时崇拜,亦能给予生命一个具活力的,圣灵的境界. Lane Cove Community Chaplaincy每星期四下午1时30分, 于Figtree Street的St. Columba's Chapel,举办一个基督教的集体默想活动.假若人数足够,可能会加添星期一黄昏时间一组的. 我也喜欢靜默的人。很多时他们的深思令他们給忘在幕后,独自僅慎地作活。Susan Cain (2012)作的《Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking靜默。內向者在這嘈吵世界的力量》这本书,對我來說很具启发性和肯定性。Cain说明我们需要正反人格類型者并存,却然社会高举嗆声者而忽略沉默、莊重或感性者的。讽刺地,我们欢迎那些‘宴会的灵魂’的外向者,但实际生活是較嚴肅的而靜听者才是我们較大的伙伴。 我们Community Chaplaincy社会牧者兼容好靜者和較外向的。欢迎參加我们的Walk and Wonder Groups借步行驚嘆自然奇妙组, Cooking Fun for Everyone适合各人的烹飪乐趣组, Single Mums Supporting each other单亲互助组,或其他Family Fun家庭欢乐樂节目。 從圣经所得的智慧:‘神啊,请賜与緊守信念者圓滿的平安而让他们信賴你’Isaiah 6:3 (GNT) 免責声明:以上翻譯是义务譯者个人所作,一切錯誤与Community Chaplaincy无关.
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AUTHORThe articles here are currently written by Liam McKenna, Lane Cove Community Chaplain. Archives
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